วันจันทร์ที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Adult Acne Treatment - Are You Expecting Too Much?

There's a huge market for superficial solutions and adult acne treatments masquerading as cures because half the population of the US is afflicted at one time or another.

Information is not always easy to find. There are three main sources:

Well-intentioned Helpful Helen, always ready with her helpful advice. Some of it is excellent. The rest of it? Well, there are usually some facts mixed in with the fiction which can make it hard to evaluate.The amateurs, the multi-level, network marketers and affiliates who want you to buy whatever it is they happen to be selling. They get your attention by flooding the Internet with articles and blog posts about adult acne cures. Too often these are a re-hash of articles they found somewhere which, in turn, were cobbled up from other articles, and so on. Your skin condition is more than an issue about your appearance, so that kind of casual approach can be risky. Your skin is one of your body's vital organs, necessary to your survival. Would you rely on haphazard amateur advice about a heart problem? Of course not.The professionals, the manufacturers and their marketing teams with a multi-billion dollar industry to support. Can you rely on their claims for the products they make? Will they do what they say they will? Yes, the products will do what the label states.

The marketing team spends mind-boggling amounts of money to make you think the products do more than they actually do. Basically, adult acne products are designed to alleviate symptoms of the condition so you will get some beneficial results and be encouraged to go on buying them over and over in the hope of getting even better results - perhaps even a cure!

What do you imagine would happen if a lab found an ingredient that got rid of the problem completely, never to come back. The minute the word got out, adult acne sufferers would knock each other over to get it.

They are cured! They never need to buy acne treatment products again! And people with new outbreaks only need to buy it once. Now what happens to the manufacturer's sales? To their bottom line? Where has their huge, lucrative market gone?

Genuine cures are not welcome in the commercial world.

An almost-cure is much more profitable, ideally one with results that cause the maximum amount of excitement without decreasing future sales. An adult acne treatment that brings a total cure? That would be like eating the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Then what can you expect?

Listen to the people who actually study skin cells rather than the ones whose business is to make products and market them to the maximum number of customers, a kind of one-size-fits-all approach.

The difficulty is, there is nobody else just like you. That's why your own observations about yourself are so important. Science has found that your skin can repair itself when treated gently and given the support it needs. That's the difficult part. You have an obligation to yourself to find out what it involves - for you.

Others can help. They cannot do it to you... or for you. Improving an entrenched skin problem is a do-it-yourself project. It may well be a lifetime project. Do you think it's worth it? Or do you prefer to stay on the merry-go-round of new product, new promise, new hope, same old disappointment, same old despair?

When it comes to treatments for adult acne, you have been led to expect too much. You expect a cure. Scientific studies make it clear that for most of us, acne is built into our genetic code. There is no cure. Accept it and move on. You can still get lasting improvement.

You can trust the evidence of your own eyes and your own experience of your body's remarkable ability to repair itself - with the proper help from you. Allow 4-6 weeks for those first encouraging signs to show up, the ones that point to the emerging of a clearer complexion, a more attractive you.

Head on over to The Natural Skin Care Blog for skin care information based on cell research and solutions from nature for the skin issues that bother you most. It's a gift to you from Mildred Harris, The Skin Repair Consultant. No hype. (Really!) She tells it like it is and pledges to bring you the best information she can find, regardless of whose toes she steps on, even yours. OK with you?

To help solve your skin care problems, check out the line of natural skin care products, exclusive custom formulas. The Skin Repair Consultant has selected these for you. These combine science and the finest natural ingredients, in the most effective amounts. (That's the secret to making an exceptional skin care product.) The formulas have been tested over time by devoted users. Find out why they are so enthusiastic. Just click the link above.

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