Sports medicine specialists have studied a variety of problems that may come up during the strenuous activity exerted by athletes and others who enjoy working out. Anyone who is interested in these types of activities should become familiar with common symptoms and remedies to avoid serious injury:
Heat Stroke
During the hot months of summer, athletes who perform outside, joggers who enjoy exploring the neighborhood, and those who enjoy any other type of outdoor activity will need to watch for symptoms of heat stroke. It's easy to let heat stroke get out of hand if you let yourself work through the initial discomforts of abdominal cramps, muscle cramps, headaches, nausea, dizziness, or weakness. But as heat stroke progresses, the individual will begin to experience serious symptoms like disorientation and confusion, extreme irritability, delusions or hallucinations, and even seizures or coma. Once these neurological symptoms hit, you'll need immediate medical attention.
In order the severe consequences of heat stroke, pay attention to your body's alarm system. If you begin to feel nauseated, weak, dizzy, or begin developing a headache, stop exercising and begin cooling down. Get into the air conditioning, take a cool shower or jump in the pool, drink cool water or sports drink, and apply cold packs to your body - anything that will begin lowering your core body temperature out of the danger zone.
Avoid Pain
While effective exercise should cause the discomfort of sore muscles, hard breathing, and other indications that your body is getting a great physical workout, you should never continue an exercise that causes pain. Why? Because pain is your body's warning signal that something is wrong. Unfortunately many athletes work through the pain. This is extremely dangerous since it can cause serious or chronic damage within the body.
Common Sports Injury Symptoms
When it comes to sports medicine, there are many symptoms that may seem minor, but can indicate a serious injury. If you commonly experience any of the following problems during or after exercise, you should probably schedule an appointment with your doctor.
Joint Pain: If you're experiencing pain in your knees, elbows, wrists, or ankles for more than 48 hours, you need to see a physician. These joints are not covered by muscle, so the pain is most likely related to a sprain, twist, or other injury.
Swelling: This common symptom is typically obvious and can be seen at a specific point of the body where injury has taken place. Sometimes though, swelling may be felt without any obvious puffiness. For instance, within a joint, you may experience stiffness, pain, or a clicking sound as tendons accommodate the interior swelling.
Decreased Range of Motion: This condition often indicates swelling within a joint. You can compare the movement of the joint on one side of your body with the same joint of the other side to confirm the range of motion.
Numbness or Tingling: These symptoms should never be ignored, since they indicate possible nerve damage. You should definitely see your physician as soon as possible.
In Conclusion: Injury Treatment
If you begin to experience any of these or other unusual symptoms, stop your exercise immediately and apply an ice pack to the site. Contact your physician or a sports medicine specialist immediately.
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