Understanding the possible UTI causes is essential in doing what it takes to prevent them in the future. This painful and uncomfortable condition can become a nuisance if not treated properly and in a timely fashion. UTI's do not discriminate and can affect men, women and children of all ages. UTI causes is here to provide you with the information you need to overcome this condition by educating you on what causes them to occur and hopefully help you to overcome this awful condition easily.
UTI's are most commonly caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or an organism. These germs enter the urethra and grow causing an infection to develop. An untreated UTI can cause dehydration and in severe cases hospitalization if not treated immediately. An untreated or misdiagnosed urinary tract infection has the risk of traveling to the kidneys and becoming life threatening. These infections are considered to be the 3rd most common ailment in the United States, and women who are in the reproductive years of their life may suffer from UTI's more than any other group within the population. Through statistics, it has been said that most women will experience at least one UTI in their lifetime and several of these women will endure reoccurring UTI's over the course of their lifetime.
The urinary tract is made up of the kidneys, bladder, urethra and urethra tube. The urinary tract is in control of the removal of liquid waste from your body daily. If at any time any of these areas become infected it is considered a Urinary tract infection or UTI. Most commonly these infections are centered in the bladder and urethra tube which is considered the lower urinary tract. Being that an infection can arise in several areas of the urinary tract the names may vary as well as the symptoms. The two most common forms of this ailment are cystitis and urethritis. Women most commonly develop cystitis, whereas men with an enlarged prostate (BPH) commonly develop urethritis.
Because UTI's can develop in multiple areas, the symptoms may differ extensively. However the most common symptom will be a burning sensation, pain and or discomfort while urinating, which may signal that the infection is in the urethra and not the bladder. Also frequent urges to urinate along with the inability to essentially go is another indication that an infection is present. If the infection is in the bladder the symptoms may involve lower abdominal pain, pelvic pressure, and continuous painful urination that may emit blood in the urine. Other symptoms are muscle pain and or spasms in the genital area, pain and/or pressure over the pubic bone. If the infection has traveled to the kidneys additional symptoms like lower back pain and flu like chills and fever symptoms may occur as well.
It is very important to know and be aware of the symptoms that go along with a urinary tract infection. Being able to recognize the signs of an impending infection is crucial in the proper treatment of this illness. Early detection is key in preventing this condition from becoming worse and learning the symptoms will ultimately help you in choosing the best treatment and potential cure.
To read more from this author take a look at UTI Causes and How to Get Rid of a UTI
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